Mystery shopping or secret shopping surveys are great sources of part-time income. But, many people have turned it into a full-time profession so as to earn more cash and reap more benefits. The best way to make more money as a mystery shopper is to set up a well-organized and favorable work process so that mystery shopping assignments can be completed quickly. Following are a few tips to get things right:
Creating a new mail id
In order to maximize the income opportunities, one can sign up with multiple mystery shopping companies. Therefore, to receive mystery shopping assignments, it is very important to set up a new email account and use only that account for work. For multiple types of survey tasks, one can create separate labels for each. This makes it easy to check the mail for separate survey assignment invitations without hunting through dozens of emails.
Using form filler software
Signing up with a lot of companies involves filling up their online forms with basic information. Hence, it can be quite tedious and time consuming. Instead of doing the work manually, one can use the form completion software that doesn't have any spyware or adware installed with it. There are a different form completer's available.
Organizing bookmarks
Every mystery shopping companies have their own ways of sending out mystery shopping assignments. Some companies always send out emails whenever there is a mystery shopping assignment available matching an individual’s profile but some companies don’t. In the latter case, an individual needs to log into their websites every day to claim the assignments. Most mystery shopping jobs assignments are sent on a first-come-first-serve basis. To land some good paid assignments, it is essential to work efficiently. There's a couple of ways of doing this. To set up and access multiple websites at a time with one click, a tabbed browser comes handy. Another alternative is to use a start page of popular search engine browsers and add all the mystery shopping companies to start page bookmarks. However, one of the best ideas is to set up a spreadsheet with clickable links – this can not only help access all the companies quickly, but can also have all the information about them (i.e. the scheduler, completed assignments, pending assignments, pending payments, etc.)
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