Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Profile of a Secret shopper

An individual who simply get paid to visit local business outlets and evaluate the kind of service & products they provide. An individual enters the business outlet and acts like an ordinary customer, just to keep the identity of secret shopper a secret. A secret shopper evaluates various features of the service as well as of product while they are in the outlet.
Secret shoppers provide corporate with more information through the use of questionnaires and detailed narratives, data, graphs, etc. These questionnaires provide corporate with an impartial assessment of how they are apparent by the customer. Secret shoppers relieve the business owner of this value added responsibility. Business owners who presently utilize such kind of services are now getting a more practical picture of how their customers observe and remark their company.
The secret shopper organisations work with their clients to establish mechanisms to measure and improvise their levels of service. The information provided by the secret shoppers is reported to the management of the clients and they utilize it to evaluate and improvise their customer support services. Eventually the purpose is to assist businesses increase sales.
An individual who work as a secret shopper would be generally paid to shop. It is true, a mystery shopper is paid to assess and appraise different levels types of customer experiences. One could be paid to fill up their car tank with gas/petrol, restaurant bill would be paid , would be offered with vouchers or cash to shop in any local hardware shop, Request information about a computer, depends on what type of assignment he is been assigned. At the same time would also be paid for the project assigned on a whole for working from home. Some tasks could and would only be performed by a phone call. The list of various types of secret shopping is very long as the number of verticals of businesses utilizing this method to collect information is very high. It is increasing every day by day with growing technologies.
The best part of being a secret shopper is that an individual are paid for each and everything they purchase. No matter if one has their lunch or dinner – during the assignments of restaurant secrete shopping the expenses are paid off by the corporate. if the assignment to assess the multiplex services one would be able to watch a movie free of cost as the ticket would be paid by the corporate only. Such type of job profile suits to the individual who are very adventurers and are shopping freak.
The motive of the big companies utilizing secret shoppers are to understand and evaluate why a normal customer leaves their business outlet being dissatisfied with the service he is provide with. Such customer would not go back to that same outlet again and eventually the corporate is losing its regular customer as well as the business. One might not be surprised to identify that most of business outlets or providers are very much interested in making good impression on their customers which actually is very vital for their organisation as well as for business and market growth.
Thus, the role of secrete shopper plays a key role in providing feedback to the corporate who want to put their efforts towards the improvisation of standards for customer service. Individuals who have a thought process and thinks that they have a capability to add value to the ongoing improvement of customer service are suitable for a job as a secret shopper. An individual who like to shop and get paid for it, are the perfect match for such job.
It is free to become a secret shopper for anyone or everyone. Individuals who would like to join as secrete shoppers would be getting full training on how to collect the information which are the need of corporate and they require from secrete shoppers. Being a secrete shopper for guarantee one would not have a loss of anything but at least gain a penny.

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